Group structure and shareholders

Group structure

Rieter Holding Ltd. is a company incorporated under Swiss law, with registered office in Winterthur, and as a holding company directly or indirectly controls all companies that are members of the Rieter Group. Some 34 companies worldwide were members of the Rieter Group on December 31, 2024. An overview of the companies included in the consolidation of Rieter Holding Ltd., including company name, domicile, share capital and the interest held by Rieter Holding Ltd., is published here. The management organization of the Rieter Group is independent of the legal structure of the Group and the individual companies.

Significant shareholders

The following significant shareholders within the meaning of Art. 120 para. 1 of the Federal Act on Financial Market Infrastructures and Market Conduct in Securities and Derivatives Trading (FMIA) held more than three percent of the voting rights or of the share capital of Rieter Holding Ltd. recorded in the commercial register as of December 31, 2024:

PCS Holding AG, Frauenfeld (Switzerland)


BigPoint Holding AG, Cham (Switzerland)


UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) AG


Rieter Holding Ltd., Winterthur (Switzerland)


Details of these investments are published here.

As of December 31, 2024, the portfolio’s equity exposure is 19.15 percent.

All notifications of shareholders holding more than three percent of all voting rights or of the share capital of Rieter Holding Ltd. entered in the commercial register have been reported to the Disclosure Unit of the SIX Swiss Exchange and published via its electronic publication platform here.


There are no crossholdings in terms of capital or voting rights between Rieter Holding Ltd. and other companies that exceed the threshold of five percent.